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Other command line tools (example: mkvinfo) To use all the other command line tools in Windows®, open a Command Prompt window. Just hit the ' Start ' button, click on ' Search programs and files ' (Windows® 7 and Vista) or ' Run ' (Windows® XP and others) and type either ' cmd ' or ' command prompt ' (without the quotes). OS X is built upon a UNIX foundation, which grants you access to the benefits that UNIX offers, including the standard toolkit (make, gcc, clang, git, perl, svn, size, strings, id, and a lot more) via the command line developer tools, which are an essential if you're a developer. Aside from developers, the command line tools can offer benefits to normal users as well, like the ability to purge.

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Operating system (OS) command-line interfaces are usually distinct programs supplied with the operating system. A program that implements such a text interface is often called a command-line interpreter, command processor or shell. Examples of command-line interpreters include DEC's DIGITAL Command Language (DCL) in OpenVMS and RSX-11, the various Unix shells (sh, ksh, csh, tcsh, zsh. You can download the Xcode command-line tools in either of two ways: To install the necessary Xcode tools using Xcode on the Mac: Start Xcode on the Mac. Fix Java Command-Line Tool Pop-Up on Mac OS X Download Java for OS X 2017-001 aka Apple’s version of Legacy Java Command-line tool. Mount the.dmg disk image file and install Java 6 runtime for OS X.

Install the prerequisite software and the Python package for eachOpenStack client.

Install the prerequisite software¶

Most Linux distributions include packaged versions of the command-lineclients that you can install directly, see Installing_from_packages.

If you need to install the source package for the command-line package,the following table lists the software needed to run thecommand-line clients, and provides installation instructions as needed.

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OpenStack command-line clients prerequisites
Python 2.7 or laterCurrently, the clients do not support Python 3.
setuptools package

Installed by default on Mac OS X.

Many Linux distributions provide packages to make setuptoolseasy to install. Search your package manager for setuptools tofind an installation package.If you cannot find one, download the setuptools packagedirectly from

The recommended way to install setuptools on Microsoft Windowsis to follow the documentation provided on the setuptools website(

Another option is to use the unofficial binary installermaintained by Christoph Gohlke(

pip package

To install the clients on a Linux, Mac OS X, or Microsoft Windowssystem, use pip. It is easy to use, ensures that you get the latestversion of the clients from the Python Package Index, and lets you update or removethe packages later on.

Since the installation process compiles source files, this requiresthe related Python development package for your operating systemand distribution.

Install pip through the package manager for your system:


Microsoft Windows

Ensure that the C:Python27Scripts directory is defined in thePATH environment variable, and use the easy_install commandfrom the setuptools package:

Another option is to use the unofficial binary installer provided byChristoph Gohlke (

Ubuntu or Debian

Note that extra dependencies may be required, per operating system,depending on the package being installed, such as is the case withTempest.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, or Fedora

A packaged version enables you to use yum to install the package:

There are also packaged versions of the clients available inRDO that enable yum to installthe clients as described in Installing_from_packages.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

A packaged version available in the Open Build Serviceenables you to use YaST or zypper to install the package.

First, add the Open Build Service repository:

Then install pip and use it to manage client installation:

There are also packaged versions of the clients available that enablezypper to install the clients as described in Installing_from_packages.


You can install pip and use it to manage client installation:

There are also packaged versions of the clients available that enablezypper to install the clients as described in Installing_from_packages.

Install the OpenStack client¶


The following example shows the command for installing the OpenStack clientwith pip, which supports multiple services.

The following individual clients are deprecated in favor of a common client.Instead of installing and learning all these clients, we recommendinstalling and using the OpenStack client. You may need to install anindividual project’s client because coverage is not yet sufficient in theOpenStack client. If you need to install an individual client’s project,replace the PROJECT name in this pipinstall command using thelist below.

  • barbican - Key Manager Service API
  • ceilometer - Telemetry API
  • cinder - Block Storage API and extensions
  • cloudkitty - Rating service API
  • designate - DNS service API
  • fuel - Deployment service API
  • glance - Image service API
  • gnocchi - Telemetry API v3
  • heat - Orchestration API
  • magnum - Container Infrastructure Management service API
  • manila - Shared file systems API
  • mistral - Workflow service API
  • monasca - Monitoring API
  • murano - Application catalog API
  • neutron - Networking API
  • nova - Compute API and extensions
  • sahara - Data Processing API
  • senlin - Clustering service API
  • swift - Object Storage API
  • trove - Database service API

Installing with pip¶

Use pip to install the OpenStack clients on a Linux, Mac OS X, orMicrosoft Windows system. It is easy to use and ensures that you get thelatest version of the client from the Python PackageIndex. Also, pip enables you to updateor remove a package.

Install each client separately by using the following command:

  • For Mac OS X or Linux:

  • For Microsoft Windows:

Installing from packages¶


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RDO, openSUSE, SUSE Linux Enterprise, Debian, and Ubuntu have client packagesthat can be installed without pip.

  • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, or Fedora, use yum to installthe clients from the packaged versions available inRDO:

  • For Ubuntu or Debian, use apt-get to install the clients from thepackaged versions:

  • For openSUSE, use zypper to install the clients from the distributionpackages service:

  • For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, use zypper to install the clients fromthe distribution packages in the Open Build Service. First, add the OpenBuild Service repository:

    Then you can install the packages:

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Upgrade or remove clients¶

Macos Command Line Tools Download

To upgrade a client, add the --upgrade option to thepip install command:

To remove the client, run the pip uninstall command:

What’s next¶


Before you can run client commands, you must create and source file to set environment variables. SeeSet environment variables using the OpenStack RC file.

You can download the Xcode command-line tools in either of two ways:

To install the necessary Xcode tools using Xcode on the Mac:

  1. Start Xcode on the Mac.
  2. Choose Preferences from the Xcode menu.
  3. In the General panel, click Downloads.
  4. On the Downloads window, choose the Components tab.
  5. Click the Install button next to Command Line Tools.
    You are asked for your Apple Developer login during the install process.

Command Line Developer Tools Mac

To install the necessary Xcode tools from the Web:

You can download the Xcode command line tools directly from the developer portal as a .dmg file.

  1. On the Mac, go to
    You are asked for your Apple Developer login during the install process.
  2. On the 'Downloads for Apple Developers' list, select the Command Line Tools entry that you want.

See Also